History Movies

Allusion: Reincarnation Story


Musical film: Hiromi Go plays a warrior, a gigolo, and an officer spread across a thousand years of history

Life of Christ's


The film is based on the life of Jesus Christ until the crucifixion. It was the first Sinhala film based on Christianity and directed by a Buddhist.
star 3

Fish & Men


Fish & Men


star 3
Fish & Men exposes the high cost of cheap fish in the modern seafood economy and the forces threatening local fishing communities and public health by revealing how our choices as consumers drive the global seafood trade. But, a new movement is underway – an opportunity to return sustainability to both fish and fishermen. Thriving on local communities, pioneering fishermen and celebrated chefs are leading a revolutionary new model, a ‘Catch of the Day’ revival based on local, seasonal, sustainable fish and reconnect us with those who risk their lives to harvest the bounties of the sea. Featuring the owners of Mac’s Seafood on Cape Cod and the Gloucester, Massachusetts fishing community.
star 5

The Strogovs


The Strogovs


star 5
In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.

The Song of the Years to Come


On the island of La Gomera, children imagine stories while they examine archeological remains. An ethno-fictional journey in which past and present coalesce, creating resonances between the volcanic landscape and Silbo, the whistled language of the island.

The Heroes of September


The film is dedicated to the uprising, which broke out in Bulgaria in September 1923. All characters, with the exception of the leaders of the uprising Georgi Dimitrov and Vasil Kolarov, are symbolic characters. The central figures, Stefan and Peter, impersonate the motive forces behind the uprising - the workers and the peasants. They are involved in worker's strikes, in the stormy events of the First World War and the Soldier's uprising in 1918. They also participate in the bloody clashes of the September uprising and suffer its defeat after they have seen too late the need for concerted action by communists and agrarians.





star 5.9

Angels of Revolution


Angels of Revolution


star 5.9
Five friends – a poet, an actor, a painter, an architect and a primitivist film director – are five red avant-garde artists who try to find the embodiment of their hopes and dreams in the young Soviet state. The Revolution is boiling up like a bottle with apple cider: winged service dogs and heart-shaped potatoes, dead Semashko, the People’s Commissar for Health, and cheerful angels, love for the Tsar and love for the young secretary Annushka, executions and pregnancies – everything is interlaced and inseparable!
star 6.6





star 6.6
Anders Østergaard’s film is an investigative look at the year the Berlin Wall fell, documenting the events that took place in Hungary as a prelude to the dramatic changes in November 1989. The director recreates the events and leads the audiences deep into the politicians’ secret meeting rooms by using a mix of interviews, archive material and reconstructed scenes and dialogues.
star 7.2

The Eyes of Dante


The Eyes of Dante


star 7.2
He is considered the greatest European poet of the Middle Ages and his work unfolds the whole panopticon of occidental education – theology, philosophy, sciences, politics and literature. But who has really read it, the “Divine Comedy”? Who knows more of its creator Dante Alighieri than that he had an eagle-like profile and was in love with a woman named Beatrice? 700 years after Dante’s death, the filmmaker Adolfo Conti travels through Italy with Dante’s words in mind and eyes to see the world as Dante did. As the film encounters the beauty of arts and the Tuscan landscape, the forces of nature, a dramatic life story is unfolded.
star 4.8

Maia Tskneteli


Maia Tskneteli


star 4.8
A young girl named Maia disguises herself as a boy in order to fight against the enemies of her country.

A Magical Substance Flows Into Me


star 6.8
Robert Lachmann was a German-Jewish ethnomusicologist. In the 1930s, his radio show "Oriental Music" explored the musical traditions of Palestine and included regular live performances by musicians from different ethnic and religious groups. Inspired by Lachmann’s musicological studies, Palestinian artist Jumana Manna travels through Israel and the Palestinian territories of today with recordings from the programme. What do these songs sound like now when performed by Moroccan, Kurdish, or Yemenite Jews, by Samaritans, members of the urban and rural Palestinian communities, Bedouins and Coptic Christians?
star 5.7





star 5.7
Found memories decayed by the shock patterns of childhood trauma. This films is made mostly with footage found in the bin of an ophanage. The white progressivelly disolve within a darknest more and more dense. Faces progressivelly disolves within one another.

unSpoken DREAMocracy


Documentary about Field Marshal P. Phibunsongkram (Plaek Khittasangka), a story about dreams that influence the lives of Thai people in many aspects. Until the peak of power with things you may not have known before!





The Best Lord in Japan


At the residence of a feudal lord in a mountain province, a young lord, accompanied by his vassals and courtiers, listens to the rokyoku singer Toraizo at a leisurely pace. The title of the play is "Notes of Lord Mito's Travels. This play caused great turmoil in the feudal lord's house. The young lord was more impressed than anyone else by Lord Mito's benevolent management and actions, but he made the mistake of trying to follow in his footsteps...

Eyewitness: Dinosaur


star 6
Become a paleontologist and piece together the facts behind these real-life monsters. Experience the process of discovery from start to finish - the excitement of digging, reconstruction, and the realization of what dinosaurs might actually have looked like.

Odkazy minulosti


Documentary about the ethnographic museum in Turčanský sv. Martin, which represents the way of life of the Slavs, living in what used to be today's territory of Slovakia.